grail (C  1.0.0
A multi-platform, modular, universal engine for embedding advanced AI in games.
Grail.Planning Namespace Reference


class  DomainTranslator
class  Goal
 Represents a planner goal, used by PlannerReasoner More...
interface  IPlannerObject
 The interface to be implemented by classes that should be converted and bound to plan-space WorldObjects More...
class  ObjectIndexBinding
 This class represents a binding between in-game objects (Implementing IPlannerObject interface) and plan-space World Objects More...
class  Action
class  ActionTemplate
 A class representing an action that can be simulated by a planner. More...
struct  Domain
class  Planner
class  ObjectParameter
class  ParametrizedObject
 The base class representing parametrized objects used by the planning algorithm More...
class  TypedObjectParameter
class  WorldObject
class  WorldObjectType
 A class representing a planner WorldObject type - its name and inheritance structure. More...
class  WorldState
 A class representing planner world state More...


delegate bool ConditionFunction (WorldState worldState)
delegate float PlannerHeuristic (WorldState worldState, IReadOnlyList< ConditionFunction > goalConditions)
delegate void PlanFoundDelegate (Planner.AbstractPlan plan)