Grail (C#)  1.3.0
A multi-platform, modular, universal engine for embedding advanced AI in games.
Grail.Planners Namespace Reference



class  Action
class  ActionTemplate
 A class representing an action that can be simulated by a planner. More...
struct  Domain
class  DomainTranslator
class  Goal
 Represents a planner goal, used by PlannerReasoner More...
interface  IGoalAcceptor
interface  IGoalSelector
 An interface used to specify goal selection logic for PlannerReasoner. Implement it if you want to define your own goal selection logic. More...
interface  IPlannerObject
 The interface to be implemented by classes that should be converted and bound to plan-space WorldObjects More...
class  ObjectIndexBinding
 This class represents a binding between in-game objects (Implementing IPlannerObject interface) and plan-space World Objects More...
class  ObjectParameter
class  ParametrizedObject
 The base class representing parametrized objects used by the planning algorithm More...
class  Planner
class  PriorityQueue
class  TypedObjectParameter
class  WorldObject
class  WorldObjectType
 A class representing a planner WorldObject type - its name and inheritance structure. More...
class  WorldState
 A class representing planner world state More...


delegate bool ConditionFunction (WorldState worldState)
delegate float PlannerHeuristic (WorldState worldState, IReadOnlyList< ConditionFunction > goalConditions)
delegate void PlanFoundDelegate (Planner.AbstractPlan plan)