
This page describes the basic building block of AI Entity logic - the Behavior class. To define any action that an entity can perform, you have to create a corresponding class inheriting from Behavior. Entities can perform only one behavior at the same time.

Important methods


This method is invoked once the Behavior is assigned to entity. Its implementation is not required.


This method is invoked during each AI Manager update.

Its implementation is required.


This method is invoked once IsFinished method returns true, before the next behavior is chosen.

Its implementation is not required. Your implementation may behave differently depending on behavior status.


This method returns true if the behavior should terminate.

Its implementation is not required. The default implementation returns true.


This method indicates whether it’s possible to execute the behavior and if it should be considered by decision making algorithms. If a behavior turns illegal during its execution, it will be automatically finished with DELEGALIZED status.

Its implementation is not required. The default implementation returns true.


This method indicates whether it’s possible to interrupt behavior execution. If it is Reasoner may decide to finish behavior immediately with SUSPENDED status.

Its implementation is not required. The default implementation returns true.

Behavior Status

Behavior may be in one of following states:
  • ACTIVE - behavior is currently assigned to entity

  • SUSPENDED - behavior was assigned to entity but its execution was interrupted

  • FINISHED - behavior finished properly

  • DELEGALIZED - behavior is no longer legal

Simple behavior implementation

An exemplar implementation of a simple behavior looks like this:

  • C++

  • C#

class GoTo : public grail::Behavior
  Location target;
  Unit* controlledUnit;

  GoTo(const Location& target)
    : target{target}

  void Start(grail::AIEntity& owner) override
    controlledUnit = owner.GetBlackboard().GetValue<Unit*>("controlled_unit");
    if (controlledUnit->GetCurrentLocation() != target)

  void Update(grail::AIEntity& owner, float deltaTime) override
    //Place any time-dependent or durable logic in behavior's update

  void Finish(grail::AIEntity& owner, grail::BehaviorStatus status) override
    //We may also place any cleanup logic in this method

  bool IsFinished(const grail::AIEntity& owner) const override
    return controlledUnit->Location == target;

  bool IsLegal(const grail::AIEntity& owner) const override
    //if IsLegal returns false, the behavior will be omitted by decision-making algorithms or interrupted
    return true;
public class GoTo : Grail.Behavior
  private Location target;
  private Unit controlledUnit;

  public GoTo(Location target)
  { = target;

  public override void Start(AIControlledEntity owner)
    controlledUnit = owner.Blackboard.GetValue<Unit>("controlled_unit");
    if (controlledUnit.CurrentLocation != target)

  public override void Update(AIControlledEntity owner, float deltaTime)
    //Place any time-dependent or durable logic in behavior's update

  public override void Finish(AIControlledEntity owner)
    //We may also place any cleanup logic in this method

  public override bool IsFinished(AIControlledEntity owner)
    return controlledUnit.Location == target;

  public override bool IsLegal(AIControlledEntity owner)
    //if IsLegal returns false, the behavior will be omitted by decision-making algorithms
    return true;

API Reference