Grail (C#)  1.3.0
A multi-platform, modular, universal engine for embedding advanced AI in games.
Grail.Evaluators.Curves Namespace Reference


class  BezierSpline
 Composite Cubic Bezier Curve. More...
class  ConstantFunction
 Constant function. More...
class  Curve
 Defines objects transforming one value into the other. More...
class  DoubleSidedBound
 Bounds output of provided Evaluator from both sides. More...
class  ExponentialFunction
 Exponential function. More...
class  LinearFunction
 Linear Function. More...
class  LinearlyInterpolatedCurve
 Curve consisting of multiple linear segments. More...
class  LowerBound
 Lower-bounds output of provided Evaluator. More...
class  PowerFunction
 Power function. More...
class  SigmoidFunction
 Sigmoid function. More...
class  StaircaseFunction
 Function consisting of multiple discrete values. More...
struct  StepData
 Helper structure describing discrete values used in Staircase function. More...
class  UnitStepFunction
 Unit Step Function. More...
class  UpperBound
 Upper-bounds output of provided Evaluator. More...